Does A decor means wedding planning ?

Hello all 

After Covid Crises , wedding industry is coming back on track slowly .. slow & steady wins the race .. in the meanwhile there was too much time to think & introspect whats wrong & whats not .. one thing prominently i have noticed one thing about everyone as wedding planner is they kee on posting only #Decor pics .. does that really means wedding planner is restricted to Decor idead only ? 

this trend is creating a boos to the decoratror while they say .. “ wedding planner cant move without us “? its not about credits to be taken .. but decor & beatification of  venue is one of the segment which wedding planner execute .. this create a confusion with client as well as whom to choose a decorator or wedding planner .. 

i started doing the practise of sharing decor, entry , photos, welcome , baraat, group photos, rituals , goodies , gifting , anyt more things where we as wedding planner has focused & pullout our maximum ideas & energy of thinking , searching & procuring the same .. 

maintaning production house is a job of vendors & service providers , what is important is meeting with all requirements & getting is done .. so wedding planner is not a vendor , is not a service provider .. he is evrything .. maintain the dignity of our profeession .. proud to be manager & make sure we share everything including decor . because decor is an integral part of wedding .. 

©️RAHUL VINAY BODHANKAR @eventwrites #eventwrites 


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