Yes I am A Wedding Planner

Day befor yestrday around 9.30 pm i went for a sales call .. it was a sales call for scheduled wedding in Nov 2021 .. i rang the bell & stayed & waiting for someone to respond .. a lady came & said who is this .. i said my name is RAHUL VINAY BODHANKAR … she replied .. OHH EVENTWALE ?? please come .. the immidiate start point i have noticed & said to my self .. yesssss this wedding is ours .. now you must be in doubt how ? the immidate cracking point was they were imagining Event Manager & there was Wedding planner … means they were expecting a routine fresh Doctor but they met with MD OR MS .. a superspecialist one.. 
& the initial dialogues went in this way .. “ Good Evening” let me intriduce my self as an Wedding planner but not a Event Manager .. they were shocked & specticle about what i am saying ..! then the presentation started & a token amount collected as an official . family wedding planner of that family with one seating … i sold nothing .. i just explianed what i did & what ia m doing , whats my role etc .. 
focusing on what you do rather selling on what you sell make you who you are .. Good Luck 



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